Welcome to the Arizona Parrot Head Foundation!

Supporting the charitable activities of the Arizona Parrot Head Club

What We Do

Decision Making

The AZPHF board of directors work hand in hand with the Arizona Parrot Head Club to select worthy charities on a quarterly basis.


We work closely with our selected charities to ensure donations are managed and reported accurately

Parrot Grande

This is our largest social event of the year, typically in August located in Arizona. Learn more at ParrotGrande.com.

Golf Tournaments

Master's Tournament and the Parrot Grande Golf Tournament


Several volunteering events are coordinated and managed by the Arizona Parrot Head Club, accouting for hundreds of hours of community service

We are a 501(c)3

100% of your donations are tax deductible


100% of our organization is volunteer based. NO SALARIES OR COMPENSATION IN ANY WAY to our members. Essentially 100% of your donation goes to the charity.

Thin Laptop

All Volunteer Board

See our tax exempt letter from the IRS here: DOWNLOAD PDF

Say hello to us

Contact Us Here!

Mailing Address: AZPHF, PO Box 16093, Phoenix, AZ 85011-6093